About Us
“The prerequisite for motivation and success in any endeavor is a BIG vision for your future. If you’re stuck in the past, you’re really in trouble.” B. N. Norton.
The opportunity to birth Canadian Imperial College is inspired by this quote of B.N. Norton. Canadian Imperial College is the manifestation of the BIG picture, which was hitherto a dream in our heads. The search for a sustainable solution to the dynamic challenges that the world faces today, requires that we look beyond the surface. We must employ the most powerful tool we have, ‘our minds’, to see further and create a better future.

Who we are
Canadian Imperial College is conveniently located in the heart of Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta, Canada. Edmonton is one of the youngest and fastest-growing cities in the country. It is the northernmost city in North America with a population of over one million people. This spectacular city welcomes thousands of visitors each year: tourists, students, workers, and many choose to make Alberta their new home. The largest mall in Northern Canada is situated in Edmonton. Many graduates love to reside in Canada because residents of the province have the highest average weekly earnings- 22% above the national average.
Why Choose Canadian Imperial College?
Our goal is to change the paradigm of education. Currently, classroom knowledge is valued above applicable skills, progress, personality, and creativity. Our students will gain the knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the real working world.
We offer both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in a multicultural environment with an average class size of 20 students. We value in-depth and interactive teaching, led by some of the most qualified instructors and faculty. We are fully committed to developing front-runners who will make a difference globally.
High-quality education and research
As a student at Canadian Imperial College, our innovative learning and teaching environment guarantees an excellent learning experience.
Canadian Imperial College allows increased interactions between students, instructors, and faculty members, making it so individual students get all the support they need to excel. By being well staffed, Canadian Imperial College provides a well-grounded method of training.
A strong focus on graduate employability
Employers like to work with individuals that have important work experience. Our instructional method is modeled to simulate work environments thereby providing our students with practical hands-on experience. We offer different types of volunteer opportunities for people who are part of the Canadian Imperial College community as a platform to gain relevant work experience.
An affordable cost of living
Compared to other major cities in Canada, Edmonton’s cost of living is considered more affordable. It is a compact city and the price of transportation is reasonable. Edmonton offers different options for public transit and easy access to different areas in the city. There are multiple accommodation options for students that are within walking distance to the college grounds.
An international outlook and community
We pride ourselves on being a culturally rich college. We welcome students all year round from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. As an international student, you will be a valued member of our college community, get to interact with faculty and students from different countries, backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
International students support services
We offer support packages to ensure that our international students have the best possible experience at Canadian Imperial College. Services available include:
Pre-departure briefings for students in the home country
Free airport welcome services
English language support
Study skill support
Information services for notable places across Canada
If you want information, advice, or guidance on any emotional, financial, or medical issue, we have a network of qualified personnel that can help.
Our International Student Advice Team is made up of certified immigration consultants that are dedicated to the settlement of international students. They will ensure that you have the support you require before you arrive and during your studies. The team will help with any non-academic issue such as visa extensions, employment regulations, orientation, and adaptation to a new culture.
We create numerous leisure opportunities like fitness programs, outdoor trips, club sports and have a dedicated team that helps students who may need some assistance identifying activities for participation.



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